I, the undersigned, warrant and certify that I am the owner or person responsible for the dog(s) brought to Summit Kennels, 4215 104th St. E., Tacoma, WA 98446 for the purpose of boarding.
I understand I am responsible for and agree to provide Summit Kennels staff with the latest complete information about my dog(s), including underlying medical conditions, medications, physical limitations, behavior concerns, veterinarian name and contact information, and veterinarian recommendations and limitations for the dog(s) brought to Summit Kennels. I agree that I am ultimately responsible for determining whether boarding and associated playtime activities are appropriate for my dog(s). I further agree that I am responsible for any risk posed by undisclosed medical conditions or behavior concerns.
I understand that by allowing my dog(s) to participate in boarding activities offered through Summit Kennels, I give my permission for staff to take photographs and/or videos, and to use the images or videos of my dog in printed matter, internet sites, or other promotional or advertising capacities. Photographs and videos are the property of Summit Kennels.
I acknowledge that should I give permission for my dog to participate in playtime activities I recognize the possible risks involved in this activity, including but not limited to minor nicks and scratches. I accept full responsibility for any illness or injury that might happen to my dog(s) and accept full financial responsibility for any charges that may occur. I also accept full responsibility for any damage or injury to persons, property, or animals arising out of my dog’s participation in play activities, use of the grounds, or facility, and for the actions and conduct of the undersigned and my dog(s). Accordingly I agree to indemnify Summit Kennels and its owners, employees, and independent contractors for damage, injury or death sustained by me arising out of my dog’s participation in the activities and services provided by Summit Kennels, or presence on or use of the premises where services are performed; and further waive subrogation claims of insurers. As a client of Summit Kennels, I understand that my dog(s) and any person I bring onto the property enter / participate at our own risk.
It is my express intent that this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement shall also bind the members of my family and all respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the above named RELEASEES. I hereby further agree that this Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.